2022 March - DPV Tech Course

2021 DPV AP LB FINE 1 BISThe week will start  a new DPV Tech course. As always, the programme is divided into webinar theory sessions, dry laboratory and open water sessions.

The program is aimed at divers with T1 or CCR1 STDA or equivalent technical certification.

Location: Lake Garda


It's scheduled a x-over program for XCCR rebreather. The course will be customized according to the experience of the diver and the rebreather type used.
L'attività subcquea prevede un impegno cardio-respiratorio di un certo livello ma tutto il sistema fisiologico viene 'stressato' per le condizioni in cui viene svolta. Il carico di peso...
Congratulations to Menon M., already recreational instructor and course director that concluded his first rebreather course, receving the 'Intro to Rebreather ADV' certification STDA. Menon got a...
28/10/2024-30/10/2024 , 2021 - X-CCR rebreather x-over Workshop
Marco Valenti
38122 Trento (TN) - Italy
t. +39 347 5041939
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